
604.690.LINE (5463)
Stand By Monitor/Rescue
Our standby monitor/rescue staff are not just for confined space. If you have workers conducting a task solo, you are required to have a dedicated check in procedure to ensure that if anything happens to them help can be summoned. We take that one step further with a standby monitor on site to ensure help is not delayed. This can be for any given task. Our standby monitor staff vary based on the task.
Confined space jobs are always a touchy subject. Do you need someone at the edge of the space? Do they need to be trained? How do they need to be trained? Do they need to be equipped? Our staff understand the difference. We can review your policies, we can check your hazard assessment (and in some cases, we can develop your hazard assessment). For low hazard atmosphere environments, you are only required to have someone check in on your worker every 20 minutes and maintain means of summoning the standby person. For moderate hazard atmosphere environments, your stand by worker must maintain position at the edge of the space and be able to call for rescue personnel immediately. When you are working in a high hazard atmosphere environment, your responsibilities change drastically. The standby personnel are required to be able- both equipped and physically able to conduct a rescue of the worker. Our rescue staff are trained and equipped as per NFPA standards- the same organization that regulates the training and equipment of your local fire department. Some of our staff are active members of fire departments. We maintain not only our equipment regularly, but also our skills because a rescue means a life is at risk.
If you can plan on the work, you can plan on the rescue of your workers.